Beast joins the X-Men as a teacher as a cohort of new mutants are added to their ranks, including Iceman, Magma, Jubilee, Cannonball, Berzerker, Multiple, Sunspot, Wolfsbane, and Boom Boom, who soon leaves the team and becomes a neutral character. Season two focuses on the continuing conflict between the X-Men, Magneto and Mystique. Other villains in the season are Wolverine's old rival Sabretooth, Xavier's vengeful half-brother Juggernaut, and Weapon X professor Andre Thorton. Nightcrawler also learns that he is Mystique's biological son, who was lost to her long ago due to Magneto's interference.

The mastermind behind Mystique and the Brotherhood is eventually revealed to be Magneto, a shadowy and mysterious figure from Xavier's past who seeks to enable mutants to replace humans as the dominant species on the planet. The juvenile delinquents inducted into the Brotherhood consist of Avalanche, Toad, Blob, and Quicksilver.

While the X-Men teach their recruits to exercise restraint and uphold responsibility, Mystique encourages the Brotherhood to recklessly use their powers for selfish gain. Their ranks grow over the course of the season and ultimately include Cyclops, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Spyke, and Rogue, who is initially manipulated into joining Mystique's Brotherhood of Mutants. At the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the teenage X-Men are taught by Xavier, Wolverine and Storm to control their abilities and keep them hidden from the rest of society whilst attending high school in Bayville, New York. The titular team founded by Professor Charles Xavier competes with Mystique to recruit young mutants with newly discovered superpowers to their cause. Season one focuses on introducing the core characters of the series. Television Studios, currently the rights are owned by Walt Disney Television in the United States. Produced in the United States, the voice recording was done in Canada and the show was animated in Japan and South Korea.
The series was aired on Disney XD from June 15, 2009, to December 30, 2011. X-Men: Evolution ran for a total of four seasons comprising 52 episodes from Novemto Octoon Kids' WB, which made it the third longest-running Marvel Comics animated series at the time, behind Fox Kids' X-Men and Spider-Man. The series takes inspiration from the early issues of the source material and follows the X-Men as teenagers rather than adults, as they learn to control their developing mutant powers and face various threats. X-Men: Evolution is an American animated television series based on the X-Men superhero team appearing in Marvel Comics.